Armando Iannucci

"I've seen Apollo Music Projects up close in the school classroom and on stage in front of hundreds of school kids, and each occasion has brought out extraordinary depths of involvement, attention and enthusiasm from the children involved. The Project seems to draw out the full personality of the kids, and give them confidence to talk and laugh and be moved by music in a really fresh and unpatronising way. It was genuinely inspiring to see how quickly a roomful of eight and nine year olds got excited and energised by what could otherwise have been pretty challenging contemporary music. It was great to see the Project persuade children that classical music needn't be stuffy, and more importantly it was thrilling to see how captivated and enthused the kids were and how confident they became talking and being creative in front of others. Apollo Music Projects is an inspiring idea in action, and deserves even wider support."Armando Iannucci    Armando Iannucci


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Stephen Hall, Executive Headteacher